
The application has two types of users “user” and “admin”. The user can only view the data and the admin can create, edit, and delete this data.

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The home has three sections, Werehouse (Almacen), where storage workers can view detailed information, Management (Gestion), this section has not been completed due to lack of time and, finally all the users have a section named Others (Otros) where everyone can check personal information and more.

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Inside of Werehouse we have three more sections, all of them look similar but provide different information to the storage workers.

Firstly, we can view Customers (Clientes) where you can see personal data from your customers. Secondly we can see Orders (Pedidos), in this section you are kept informed about the orders and, thirdly we have the Products (Productos) section, if you need to view more detailed information about the order, you can search in this section.

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Clientes, Pedidos & Productos

As you can see, all of them are tables with information from the database, all of them have an ID row to identify fastly any problem that we may have.

Also we have a filter to find any client, order or product without wasting time.

Create, read, update and delete new customers, orders and products with Pop-Ups using AJAX.


Here, you'll be able to download the labour agreement in PDF and check the latest company's news.

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HeliosCorp was created with Bulma.